

Hi! I am Brave Through Grace. I’m a single woman living in Ohio, following Jesus, working a job, serving others and healing as I seek hope and beauty from the ashes of childhood sexual abuse, incest, abuse and neglect. Currently living with and healing from Complex Trauma, my therapist and closest friends call me Brave. My response is “It is only through His grace that I am brave”.  The past two years have been the best and worst time of my life.  I continue to struggle with the effects of the traumas I have endured and yet, I know that I am being pulled along by God’s rope of grace.

I started this blog a little over a year ago in an attempt to share my story and maybe make a difference to other survivors.  In sharing my story and how Jesus is writing it and sharing information about Him and Complex trauma, perhaps I will once again find the voice they stole from my “little girl” long ago. Like me and my story, this blog is a work in progress. It’s hard, messy, and painful, and yet oh so beautiful and covered in Grace.

One thought on “About

  1. I applaud your bravery. It’s scary to tell our stories but I’ve found a tremendous amount of freedom in reclaiming my voice by speaking truth. I hope you’re enjoying the process.

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